When it comes to automotive paint and collision work, having the right shop supplies is essential for the job. We offer a comprehensive selection of high-quality shop supplies and accessories, designed to meet the needs of professionals in the industry. From premium razor blades and various sized spreaders to mixing boards that help reduce contamination and costly rework in the shop, we have your team covered.

Plastic Spreaders
Available in 3,4,5,6″ , &
Variety 3-Pack
Metal Spreader
Variety 4-Pack
Mixing Sheets w/board
8-1/2″ x 11″; 75 sheets
Mixing Board
8-1/2′ x 17″
Tack Cloths
18″ x 36″
Razor Blades
9 Single Edge & Premium
Acid; 3/8″, 1-3/8″ & 2″
Touch-up dabbers
Marking Pens
Paint & Glass; Variety of
Z,N,M,V,S,W clip staples
Trash Bags
55 Gal., HD bags
Dessicant Dryer
Airless Welding Supplies
Mesh, Fiberlglass Rods,
Polyurethane Rods
Eraser Wheels
Strip Off, Zip Wheels
Cans & Plastic bottles
Paint Cans; spray bottles
Place an order
call 866-LKQ-Corp | 866-557-2677 to speak with a representative.